News and Information about Sampford Peverell
Local events in February and March 2025
Sat 8 Feb Wassail in the park - 5.30 pm in the park near the tennis courts, followed by a winter social evening in the Village Hall, with refreshments and music from Wasp in the Apple. Free entrance!
Thu 13 Feb: Community Charity lunch, 12.00 - 13.30 in the Methodist Chapel School Room. Soup, bread and cake to raise money for charity. This takes place on the second Thursday of every month.
Sat 15 Feb: RBL branch 100 year anniversary open day - The Globe, 16.00 onwards. Displays and talks. Contact RBL local branch secretary for details
Fri 21 Feb: Garden Club AGM - 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Guest speaker is David Usher with top tips. Free for members, £3 for non-members
Mon 24 Feb: SP Parish Council Meeting - 19.00, Village Hall committee room
Fri 14 Mar: SP Society meeting - 19.30 Village Hall. Guest speaker is Todd Gray on 'Devon Waterwogs and the History of the Golliwog'. Free for members, £3 for non-members
Fri 28 March Tennis Club Easter bingo - details later
![]() The Aurora over Sampford Peverell
This photo was taken by David Hennings at about 00.30 on 11th October - what an amazing sight! MDDC refuse collections
To find out when your next refuse collection is go to this MDDC web page and enter your postcode Then there is a link right at the bottom of the results page where you can download a calendar. If MDDC have to miss a collection for some reason they will list it here, with the date of when the collection will take place: |
New Parish Council website
Sampford Peverell Parish Council now has a new website where information about the council and council meetings is held. Go to Booking the village hall - new website!
Since 1st June you need to go to a new website for information about Sampford Peverell Village Hall, and to see and make bookings. Go to Mobile library visits to Sampford Peverell have been discontinued
The local mobile library service came to an end last year, but Libraries Unlimited runs a Home Library service to deliver books to people unable to get to the library because of health, mobility or caring responsibilities. They say: Dedicated volunteers can choose and deliver books to your home, including large print and audiobooks, free of charge. With so much choice, there is bound to be something to fit your interests. Whether you are an avid reader or simply like to browse the occasional books we can help. To receive the service or become a Home Library volunteer:
![]() Worried about rising fuel costs?
The Devon Communities Together organization is offering free support and advice to those anxious about fuel proverty. See: Also see Mid Devon District Council's website about getting help with food and energy costs here: |
Reporting crime, major or minor
Police ask that if anyone has anything they need to report they should be doing this through the proper means – calling 101 to report incidents and or crimes or emailing [email protected]. There is also a crime reporting form on the police website. 999 can be used in an emergency This is where to report crimes online: |
Sampford Peverell weather
There is now a website monitoring all aspects of Sampford Peverell weather! If you are interested have a look at |
Sampford Peverell Parish Council on Facebook
The Parish Council now also has a Facebook page, see |